About us

Welcome to Everything for RE Agents.lt

We are happy to provide you with the highest quality services

Who we are?

When we started working in real estate, we had a lot of questions: how to attract clients, how to professionally present the property on the market, how to advertise and promote real estate? This is how ViskasNtBrokeriams.lt was born - inspired by working with real estate and finding the best solutions for real estate brokers and their clients.

Our mission

A broker's job is to resolve challenges on an ongoing basis. Our goal is to solve the day-to-day problems of real estate brokers and increase your efficiency by saving you time and money. Spend more time working with your clients and leave the day-to-day worries to ViskasNtBrokeriams.lt

What we do:

Our 3-step process


Task overview

We discuss the tasks and work together to find the optimal solutions to achieve the desired result.


Work in progress

We execute orders, communicating throughout the process to make sure the results fully meet your expectations.



Congratulations! The work is done. See you in the next projects 🙂

Why choose us?

We turn your Problems into Solutions

Quality is not an aim, but a daily habit, so every little detail matter to us.

Save money and time spent looking for the services you need from different suppliers.

This project is a result of our work in the real estate market, so we know your needs from personal experience.

We understand that time is of the essence in the real estate business, which is why we work super-fast.

We've been in the property market for 5 years, so we know which solutions really work.

Some numbers

Let the numbers speak for themselves.

1 %
Customers are regular
1 +
Projects completed
Team of professionals
Years in Real Estate market

Want to start working together?

Interested in our services? We look forward to hearing from you and are confident that together we will find the best solution for your real estate business.

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